Establishing relations with Israel is a betrayal with the blood of the martyred Muslims of Palestine. Rana Basharat Ali Khan

Establishing relations with Israel is a betrayal with the blood of the martyred Muslims of Palestine. Rana Basharat Ali Khan

Rana Basharat Ali Khan has strongly condemned the Israeli Prime Minister’s announcement, calling the Jewish settlement an unilateral move and an attempt to undermine peace talks. The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu has announced two new plans for Jewish settlement and expansion in East Jerusalem. Earlier during the day, the Israeli prime Minister approved the construction of 2,200 new homes in the Jabal Abu Ghanim Jewish colony in East Jerusalem and 3,000 new homes in the Guevara Hamtoz ghetto.

Rana Basharat Ali condemned the Israeli settlement policies in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
saying the construction of ghettos and the increase in the number of houses in the existing settlements, encroachment on land, all unilateral illegal measures are a violation of international law and international resolutions.

Israel blocking visas for UN leaders is a violation of international diplomacy, he said.

Angered by a UN agency compiling a list of companies involved in illegal Israeli resettlement activities, Israel has suspended visas for agency staff for months.

Rana strongly opposes Israel’s efforts to build 3,000 homes in the West Bank, also the implementation of a new settlement decision in Gomat Hamatos and demolish Palestinian property structures in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. he urged Israel to stop all illegal activities that could jeopardize peace efforts in the region.

These views were expressed by Rana Basharat Ali in his address during the quarterly meeting of the International Human Rights Conference Council on the situation in the Middle East.

In his speech, Rana Basharat Ali referred to Kofi Annan’s statement and said that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not a common conflict like many other conflicts in the region, but a very important conflict that all peace efforts in the region would cause harm.

Rana Basharat Ali said that the International Human Rights has it’s principled position on this, we support the resolution based on international law and agreed international parameters, we want the two states to find a solution to the problem through formal negotiations and end the 1967 occupation, Foreign Minister to be in the region.

He welcomed the recent developments, including the normalization of relations between the states of the region and the Palestine’s commitment to holding legislative, presidential and national council elections this year.

Rana Basharat Ali, on the other hand, expressed concern over Israeli settlement activities, urging Israel to stop the expansion of all settlements, including East Jerusalem. These settlement activities are not only illegal but will limit peace to the region. It is also an attempt of undermining all efforts and destroying trust between Israel and Palestine.

Rana Basharat Ali said that the International Human Rights strongly opposes all attempts by Israel to demolish or occupy Palestinian properties in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. According to the OCHA, we call on Israel to stop the demolition of settlements, which is the highest since 2016 and 2020, hee also called on the people to get vaccinated against the epidemic.

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