
Mian Amjad Shah has been appointed as Chief Organizer of the Pakistan Overseas Community of Belgium.

Mian Amjad Shah has been appointed as Chief Organizer of the Pakistan Overseas Community of Belgium.


Mian Amjad Shah, a member of the Political Council of the Green Party Ghent (city inBelgium), a well-known political and public figure of Pakistani origin, was appointed as the Chief Organizer by the Pakistan Overseas Community of Belgium.

Amjad Shah has a long history of helping foreigners, in particular Pakistanis, in Belgium with administrative problems. The way in which he fought for the Kashmir case before the European Union is an example in itself. Despite of all the threats and the personal danger, by letting resound the voice of Kashmir in front of the European leaders, he exposed the Indian atrocities on Kashmiris. This is a proof of his love for Pakistan and his solidarity with Kashmiris. It may be recalled that in the last few months, there have been attempts by India to discredit Pakistan in the international community and to tarnish Pakistan’s image with false propaganda (disinfo lab), against whichin patriotic Pakistanis in Europe responded heavily. Amjad Shah is also a prominent name in this protest.

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