Visit of Foreign Minister to Germany, 11-13 April 2021


Islamabad: On the invitation of the Foreign Minister of Germany, Mr. Heiko Maas, Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi will undertake an official visit to Germany on 11-13 April 2021. The Foreign Minister will have delegation-level talks with Foreign Minister Maas at the Federal Foreign Office. He will also call on the President of the Bundestag, Mr. Wolfgang Schauble and have interactions with other dignitaries.

During the talks, the two Foreign Ministers would review the entire gamut of Pakistan-Germany relations and discuss ways and means to further deepen bilateral cooperation in diverse fields, — including trade, investment, health, security and defence, education, tourism, and people-to-people exchanges.

This year, Pakistan and Germany are celebrating the 70th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations. Both countries are planning to undertake a number of activities in this context.

Pakistan and Germany have been collaborating closely on regional matters and at the multilateral fora. Germany is the largest trading partner of Pakistan in the EU. Germany is also home to more than 100,000 Pakistani diaspora.

The Foreign Minister’s visit to Germany is part of regular high-level exchanges between the two countries. Foreign Minister Heiko Maas visited Pakistan in March 2019.

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