
Expressing solidarity with the oppressed Palestinians, Palestine Day is being celebrated across the country today

By Our Correspondent

LAHORE : Palestine Day is being observed across the country today to express solidarity with the oppressed Palestinians. Special prayers were offered for Palestine in the Friday prayer gatherings. Special Assistant for Religious Affairs Allama Tahir Ashrafi said that Palestine Day is being celebrated today on the voice of Ulema-e-Mashaykh Council.

He told the media that today the whole nation has sent a message to its Palestinians that our hearts and souls are with you, just as the two holy shrines are dearer than life, so is Al-Aqsa Mosque. Palestine and Kashmir are two wounds of the Muslim Ummah that are bleeding. Prime Minister Imran Khan is in constant touch with Muslim leaders on the Israeli aggression. We have to raise the voice of the Palestinians in every forum of the world.

He said that a meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation has been convened. Prime Minister Imran Khan had appealed to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in the meeting. Pakistan is ready to cooperate in any way with the Islamic Organization, Pakistan wants the Palestinian issue to be resolved. This is what happens every year. Resurrection takes place.

Allama Tahir Ashrafi said that the Prime Minister has also spoken to the Saudi ruler and the ambassador of Palestine. Pakistan’s message to the entire Islamic world is to move forward unitedly. The United Nations is silent on human testimony, hoping that the OIC summit will yield positive results. The Muslim Ummah will now move forward on the issue of Kashmir and Palestine.

He said that the Ulema have decided to bring all the political parties together and take practical steps by bringing all the people together on the issue of Palestine. The time is near for Nafl to be performed in Al-Aqsa. There is no silence among the Arabs. Everyone agrees. For the Palestinians, Saudi Arabia has always been at the forefront.

The Special Assistant further said that the decision of the Ruwit-e-Hilal Committee is Shariah-compliant and those who objected to the decision also accepted the decision. The whole nation celebrated Eid together on the basis of Shariah decision.

Earlier, he tweeted, “Let’s celebrate Palestine Day together today and send a message to the Palestinians that we are with you.” He added that the entry of Israeli troops into Gaza is a test for the Muslim Ummah says Allama Tahir Ashrafi

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