
Mushaal urges the world to protect Kashmiri children from Indian aggression

By Abid Siddique Chaudhry

ISLAMABAD: Mushaal Hussein Mullick, the wife of Chairman Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Yasin Malik urged the world community to show similar unity to save Kashmiri children from Indian aggression as they demonstrated against Israel to stop the killing spree of innocent Palestine children.


She said this in a statement on Thursday as the world is all set to mark International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression today (Friday).


The Chairperson of the Peace and Culture Organization said that children in Indian Illegally Occupied Kashmir (IIOJK) are under threat who are living life under the shadow of guns.


Mushaal said that the people of Kashmir in general while children in particular are facing great ordeal due to unprecedented lockdown amid troop surge ever since the Indian government unconstitutional and unilateral act on 05 August 2019 of stripping special status of Kashmir.


The Hurriyat leader said that the innocent children of II0JK are the worst victims of Indian barbarity and aggression. “Hundreds of Kashmiri children have been killed by Indian brutal army during the last three decades while thousands of others have lost their parents, and many have passed their childhood in Indian detention cells without any fault,” she added.


Mushaal stated that International Forum for Justice and Human Rights Jammu and Kashmir has revealed that an estimated population of orphans in IIOJK is 2 14,000.


However, she lamented that despite being such an alarming situation in the occupied valley, the world powers and human right organizations failed to stop the Indian brutalities in the valley, which clearly showed their duplicity and double standard.


The Chairperson went on to say that the continued Indian state terrorism had resulted in the killing of 95,780 Kashmir’s including women and children from 1989 to May 2021


She said that schools are being as military bases, interrogation centres as well military posts under their sinister designs to deprive the Kashmir generation from education.


Mushaal said that children in IIOJK are living in the world largest militarized zone with the presence of over 700,000 troopers, which is at least three times higher than at the time of America’s invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan.


She lamented despite the fact that UN called upon Indian government to take preventive measures to protect children, including ending the use of pellets against children and UN fact finding mission report highlighted how Indian army officers abducted young boys nighttime raids and molested and sexually abused gins during such raids after August 5.


Similarly, she said that UN chief Antonio Guterres also expressed concern over child casualties in IIOJK and urged the government to take preventive measures to protect the children.


However, Mushaal said that all such reports and statements proved useless and the Indian fascist government accelerated their aggression and atrocities in the valley.


Therefore, she demanded that the world community and human right organizations will have to do something practical and tangible to force the fascist government to stop the killing of innocent Kashmir especially the children in the occupied valley.


Mushaal appealed that the UN body and the world powers especially the Muslim countries should take a bold stance as they did against the apartheid Israeli state to save the children of Kashmir from inhuman Indian forces brutalities.

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