
The doors of the Masjid e Nabvi ﷺ opened for the children

By Monitoring Desk

MADINA : Due to the corona virus, the ban on children entering the Masjid Nabvi ﷺ was lifted a year and a half later.


A statement issued by the agency responsible for the administration of the Masjid e Nabvi ﷺ said that the Saudi government had allowed children who had received two doses of the vaccine to enter the mosque and pray after about a year and a half.


According to the report, children between the ages of 12 and 18 will be allowed to enter the mosque.


In addition, children who take both doses of Corona will also be allowed to perform Umrah.


It should be noted that the Saudi Ministry of Health started giving the first dose of the vaccine to children between the ages of 12 and 18 from June 30.

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