
The government is following the principle of ‘lotto and photo’:Shahbaz Sharif

Leader of the Opposition Shahbaz Sharif has sharply criticized the government and said that the government is following the principle of ‘lotto and photo’.

PML-N President Shahbaz Sharif has said that the preparation to drop a new inflation bomb from December 1 is cruelty to the poor, the government has ruined the poor and the country’s economy.

Criticizing the government, Shahbaz Sharif further said that there is no gas or electricity, flour, sugar, ghee, everything is expensive but the debt is still increasing. The government has mortgaged Pakistan’s economic sovereignty on the terms of IMF.

Opposition leader in the Punjab Assembly Hamza Shahbaz also criticized the government, saying that the country has been left at the mercy of dengue with inflation and poverty. Government data on the dengue virus is unreliable

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