
After the vaccination, the disabled person started walking and talking

After being vaccinated against corona, a man with a disability has not only been able to stand on his own two feet but has also begun to talk.

Dularchand Monda, 55, of India, was vaccinated on January 4. The next day his condition started to improve and first he shook his legs and then his voice came back.

Civil Hospital surgeon Jatindra expressed surprise at the condition of Dalarchand in Bokaro area and formed a team of doctors to investigate.

According to details, Dalarchand was the victim of an accident four years ago after which his nervous system was severely injured. After that he was unable to speak or walk. He says it is the miracle of the code vaccine that he calls a miracle. He says that a few days after the vaccination, he started talking and stood on his feet.

However, Dr Jatindra said that the final decision would be made by the scientists as recovering from the four-year-old condition is an incredible process.

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