
street lights, environment, water supply services and road maintenance in the diplomatic enclave.Chairman(CDA)

ISLAMABAD: Chairman Capital Development Authority (CDA) has said that work should be further improved for the provision of sanitation, street lights, environment, water supply services and road maintenance in the diplomatic enclave.
He expressed these views during a surprise visit to the Diplomatic Enclave last day. The Director Maintenance, Road Maintenance, Sanitation, Street Lights and other officers of the concerned departments were also present on the occasion. Chairman CDA, Aamir Ali Ahmed said on the occasion that the Diplomatic Enclave is our face all over the world and it is our responsibility to keep it clean and green. Two more new parks are being constructed in the said area, one on 4th Road and the other at the entrance of Diplomatic Enclave, he added.
The Chairman directed to expedite the ongoing development, rehabilitation and repair works in the city and to further improve the conditions around the markets. In order to rehabilitate the green character of the diplomatic enclave, the environment department should increase its services and plant flowers and fruit trees in green belts, roadsides, parks and open spaces. He said that weeds, plants and bushes should be cut down from the parks and other places and rainwater drains should also be cleaned.
Meanwhile, the chairman directed the officers to self-monitor the work related to their directorates across the city, while also instructing the field officers to be present in the field and not only monitor the work but also with regularity of performance. Moreover, the Chairman CDA also visited the overhead bridge at Faisal Avenue for the convenience of pedestrians and reviewed the ongoing work and directed the officers to expedite the construction of the overhead bridge and complete the bridge on time.

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