
The reckless use of pellet guns has blinded a large number of Kashmiris , Prime Minister

By Shakeel Ahmed

ISLAMABAD : Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that the relentless use of pellet guns has blinded a large number of Kashmiri youth and India has failed to break the aspirations of Kashmiris.


A delegation of OIC Human Rights Commission called on Prime Minister Imran Khan. The Prime Minister expressed concern over serious human rights violations in Occupied Kashmir.


Imran Khan said that Kashmiris are demanding their right to self-determination in accordance with the UN resolutions, the situation in Kashmir and Palestine is a great injustice of history, the world and the OIC should play their role in resolving these issues.


The Prime Minister said that the human rights situation has become alarming in the last two years.


Imran Khan said that the Indian government brazenly treated the Kashmiris, Kashmiris were crippled by extrajudicial killings and torture.


The Prime Minister said that a large number of Hurriyat leaders were also arrested, India failed to suppress the Kashmiris’ movement by using every means of oppression, Kashmiri Muslims are being targeted for Indian occupation, freedom from oppression. Kashmiri Muslims are being deprived of their right to self-determination as well as religious freedom.


He said that Muslims in occupied Kashmir were in danger of losing their majority and separate identity, adding that the current situation in Kashmir was tantamount to violation of the Geneva Conventions and war crimes.

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